After placing an order on Ski Occas, you will be invited to share your opinion, both about the merchant and the products. How does it work? Why is it important? Ski Occas offers you the opportunity to express yourself and explains here the importance of your review!

Why give your opinion?

We greatly appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve our services! Whether it's a review regarding Ski Occas or one of our products, every shared experience is valuable, whether positive or negative.

Based on shared experiences, collecting reviews is essential to advise beginners and experienced athletes in finding the suitable equipment for their sports practice.

No one knows our products and services better than you. Your feedback provides authentic details that enrich our community. Share your purchasing experience with everyone!

Merchant Reviews

How can you be sure these reviews are real?

Rest assured, the evaluations are collected by an independent third party, Avis Garantis, compliant with the AFNOR standard regarding review collection. This standard ensures that:

● Reviews come from customers who have actually purchased from our website.

● No selection is made among customers: everyone receives an email inviting them to give their opinion on their purchasing experience.

● The collected reviews undergo no modification or deletion, except for those containing inappropriate, offensive, or unlawful content, which may be removed.

● Every review, positive or negative, is made public.

How to give a review?

Only buyers are allowed to give reviews on our platforms. After receiving your package, you will receive an email invitation within 10 days to evaluate your purchasing experience by giving a rating and a comment.

Why can't I see my review online?

Please note that we need time to review all reviews, so don't worry if your review doesn't appear online immediately! Indeed, all reviews are subject to review and moderation to ensure compliance with our website's guidelines.

Why was my review rejected?

Your review does not meet the publication criteria established on our site. Inappropriate or incomprehensible content cannot be published. For merchant reviews, mentions of competitors, prices, or personal information such as your full name or postal address are not accepted.

However, you will be informed by email and have the opportunity to submit a new review.

Product Reviews

How can you be sure these reviews are real?

Just like with merchant reviews, product reviews are collected by an independent third party, Avis Garantis, compliant with the AFNOR standard regarding review collection. This standard ensures that:

● Reviews come from customers who have actually purchased and used the product.

● No selection is made among customers: everyone receives an email inviting them to give their opinion on the product.

● The collected reviews undergo no modification or deletion, except for those containing inappropriate, offensive, or unlawful content, which may be removed.

● Every review, positive or negative, is made public.

How to give a review?

Only buyers are allowed to give reviews on our platforms. After receiving your package, you will receive an email invitation within 10 days to evaluate your product by giving a rating and a comment. If you have purchased multiple products, you can rate and comment on each one individually.

Why can't I see my review online?

Please note that we need time to review all reviews, so don't worry if your review doesn't appear online immediately! Indeed, all reviews are subject to review and moderation to ensure compliance with our website's guidelines.

Why was my review rejected?

Your review does not meet the publication criteria established on our site. Inappropriate or incomprehensible content cannot be published. Please note that a review of a product should focus on its specific features and performance. Thus, reviews about product availability, delivery condition, or after-sales service will be rejected as they do not meet our criteria.

However, you will be informed by email and have the opportunity to submit a new review.



I have a question!

Feel free to ask us your questions, whether they are personal or related to a product, and we will respond as soon as possible.

We recommend contacting our Customer Service for these questions, as it has several advantages:

● You will be connected with the most qualified person to answer your question.

● You save time.

● You will receive a response tailored to your request.

You can contact our Customer Service directly via our online contact form.