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Camping: equip yourself with Ski Occas
For a night in the wilderness or to go on a bivouac over several days, it is recommended to have good camping equipment. If the hiking backpack is an essential for an adventure, several equipments and accessories are also essential for a good autonomy for a camping. No matter how long the bivouac is or where it is, it is important to choose the right camping equipment to have the best possible experience.
From sleeping bags to headlamps, Ski Occas has the right equipment at the best price for all lovers of nature and the great outdoors. Indeed, to fully enjoy your outdoor journey, it is better to have the right equipment for camping. On our site you will find simple and innovative solutions that will make your time unforgettable.
Camping equipment
To get a good night's sleep after a long hike, it is important to have a well-inflated camping mattress. An inflatable mattress is a must for all campers. But the inflation phase should not be neglected. The choice is between an electric pump solution or a simpler, manual version. We offer several models of air pumps for mattresses, foot or hand operated. As well as battery-operated air pumps that can be recharged from the mains or in your vehicle. Low cost products to inflate your camping mattress. Choose between hand or foot inflators to maximise your comfort and get a good quality sleep. This way you'll have a cosy little nest in your camping tent!
To enjoy a good meal in the middle of nature, we suggest a QUECHUA insulated food box. It is thermally insulated and keeps your food warm and your favourite drinks cool. With its 0.8 litres, take it with you on all your outdoor adventures.
Find all other QUECHUA equipment for hiking and camping on Ski Occas. Hiking boots, walking poles or air pumps, discover all the outdoor equipment for your next summer excursion.
Quechua Steel Stakes 18cm
STEEL stakes 18CM from the QUECHUA brand.
Don't be afraid to go downwind camping anymore.
Quechua White / Black Shrouds + Tensioners
QUECHUA brand WHITE / BLACK shrouds + tensioners.
Perfect for seasoned campers.
Angle Quechua Steel 23cm
STEEL angles 23CM from the QUECHUA brand.
Camp safely.
Nozzle For Camping Pump Quechua Black
Set of 3 nozzles for camping pumps from the Quechua brand.
Poncho For Backpack Quechua Raincover Orange 35 / 50L
QUECHUA RAINCOVER ORANGE 35/50 L backpack poncho
Complete protection of your equipment against humidity.
Quechua Rechargeable Battery Air Pump Black
Rechargeable electric pump, ideal for setting up your camp.
Pack including: Pump, socket adapters and tips